Wednesday, February 11, 2009

SMKM.... walao

Today is a very stupid day too. My school was having sport day rehearsal and school surrounding clean-up. I wore short pants which over my knee and st.john t-shirt went to school.

You know what happen then? After the assembly, the discipline teacher scolded us who wear short pants, not school t-shirt. He said that wearing short pants to school is very rude. Some more, still got people wearing not school's t-shirt to school. Then, he kicked us off and wanted us to go back home, don’t stay at school if we didn’t wear proper attire.

I was so shocked at that moment. Go back home? Is this a good punishment to students? I think it is super irrational action. Where got teacher ‘halau’ students go back home??? Does he think about the consequences before he take the action? Ok, let us use our brain to think.

Is it makes a great chance to students to cut school? Students can loiter in the city or take their breakfast near the school. The only high school near the town is SMKM. If the citizens see the students not at school study, what will they think about SMKM?

How about the students don’t have any transport? How they go back home change their clothes? I think they will also join the students who ‘lepak’ in the town. Or they go cyber café.

How about the parents? They believe school will taking a good care of their children when their children are in the school. What the school done? They betrayed believe of the parents to them. Some of the parents need to work, their children don’t have key. If their children happen anything outside the school during school day, who has to take the responsible and who should be blame?

Now, is the students like me who got own transport. Do you think that I will go home and change my cloth then go back school again? My house is quite far from the school. I won’t waste my petrol go back school for nothing.

As a conclusion, students got chance to cut school, good students might have great potential to turn bad, parents will starting not believe the school anymore, the name of SMKM become worse, making me hate school more.

Finally, I rest and think again. The teacher who asked us go home is brainless…. My last and only conclusion I made in my brain.


Duck said...

the teacher is like tat d la...
last time ask ur dun use America product,nw is student back home...

WANG said...

ya lo... brainless teacher..