Saturday, November 19, 2011

A post

Regarding to my LSP402
(copying Khaw Lin's blog... feel the way she reacts to the dressing code is very funny.)

wear a clean, pressed, conservative suit with a non-flashy shirt and tie:
ME --> iron shirt ma... as easy as ABC la... but non-flashy shirt wor.... i gt 1 white colour and another 1 is colourful. tie??? i got 1 flashy purple, flashy red and 1 formal USM tie. it's means i have to wear PALAPES PO for the mock interview???? pengsan~~~

Have you shoes shined and wear plain socks:

ME --> har.... need to shine my shoes again ar? the leather shoes i need around 1 and 1/2 hours to make it really shine lo.... tension liao~~~ plain socks i got a lot la... royal blue and black colours only... fulfill your requirements liao.....

Have your hair neat and trimmed:
ME --> mine is perfect liao la... i always wonder when my hair can touches my eyebrow~~~

Long hair and extremely long side burn are out:
ME --> yes, i do....

Clean and trim your nails:

ME --> yes, i do....

Hide your tattoo:
ME --> i also want a tattoo... a damn abstract "freedom" in French on my wrist... but no chance

Remove your ear ring/s:
ME --> oh man~~~ it's cool ok??? what gay o straight??? now it's already 20th century, k??? u c how many korean male artists also wearing ear ring, plz..... both ears oso can wat.... =_=

ok... after the interview, i will wear what i wan.....


Unknown said...

i can help with the tattooing part...i know how to tattoo :3

WANG said...
