1. 被点到必填,不填代表你不尊重传给你的人和问卷。
2. 请老实回答每一个问题。
3. 不得擅自涂改题目。
4. 写完后请点8位小朋友,不可不点。
5. 点完后请通知那8位小朋友他被点到了。
1)你的绰号: 明豪(认识我很久和刚认识我的人给我的称呼),豪哥(中6时),wang(国民服务时),阿侯(家人)
4)星座: 白羊(我可是一点也不驯服!)
6)专长: 批评(我想不到其他的了。)
5)如果有天,你爱的人和你告白。你会什么反应?: 抱住她,吻她
2)他是你的: 中二至今的好同学,好朋友
3)他的个性: 爱讲话
8)最爱的天气: 吹着春风的夏天
1)如果上天给你三个愿望: i) 家人幸福健康 ii)学业进步 iii)不用为钱烦
6)如果你要放弃现在的生活,你愿意吗? :超不愿
8)是否横刀夺爱才是爱?: 不是!!!
Tag to :
Thursday, December 31, 2009
if year 2008 is year of PLKN, then year 2009 is year of form 6. sincerely i think form six is the best study year compares with form one till form five. although form six is very hard, my result is not very good and my class has not many students (only 17), but i still love it. it's the only year that i feel i truly study hard and really really got give my 100% concentration on study.
besides, my classmates are awesome!!! they are fun, a bit of crazy, reliable, sometime cheat a little bit, hardworking and the list going on and on. especially teck boon, hong xin, sao keong, ah mo, jason and ham them. they are really really fun. i should be grateful that having them as my classmates.
and this year i have a lot of first times.
last but not least, i have to ask apologise from you all. you know my mouth la.... sorry ah.
besides, my classmates are awesome!!! they are fun, a bit of crazy, reliable, sometime cheat a little bit, hardworking and the list going on and on. especially teck boon, hong xin, sao keong, ah mo, jason and ham them. they are really really fun. i should be grateful that having them as my classmates.
and this year i have a lot of first times.
- i had my B'day celebration
- i participated the debat competition
- i joined the sport parrade
- i joined the smallest Buddha Camp ever
- i sacrifed my math 2 paper because of American Idol
- i sit for STPM
- i got the job interview at genting
last but not least, i have to ask apologise from you all. you know my mouth la.... sorry ah.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
30 Dec is Wai Yee's birthday.
30 Dec is Wai Yee's birthday.
but i have nothing to give her. i'm just a poor man, the only thing i can present her is my wish which comes from my truly heart. Happy Birthday, Wai Yee. finally you're 19 years old. i wish you 身体健康,事事如意,STPM四个A,一年比一年美丽!!!
but i have nothing to give her. i'm just a poor man, the only thing i can present her is my wish which comes from my truly heart. Happy Birthday, Wai Yee. finally you're 19 years old. i wish you 身体健康,事事如意,STPM四个A,一年比一年美丽!!!
(1) 请老实的回答每一个问题。
(2) 不行擅自塗改題目。
(3) 写完请点10位小朋友,不可不点。
03.Wai Yee
04.Jason Ng
06.Loo wei
************************************************* *********************
01-[ 4号认识6号吗? ]::不认识
02-[ 6号是男还是女? ]::女的。名花有主了
03-[ 3号的兴趣是? ]::读九把刀的书吧???
04-[ 1号有没有兄弟姐妹? ]::有,不过我不知道他有多少兄弟姐妹?
05-[ 5号姓氏? ]::谢
06-[ 2号人缘好吗? ]::超好咯!!!简直“好很大”!
07-[ 4号有人追吗? ]::不肯定。他那么帅。我想他真的出手的话,她一定是他的。
08-[ 承上2号呢? ]::什么意思是承上2号???
09-[ 6号喜欢的颜色是? ]::是好看的她都喜欢的啦。
10-[ 3号和6号是朋友吗? ]::应该吧?她们都曾经同班嘞。(我也是)
11-[ 1号的生日是? ]::不懂?本人记性不好
12-[ 5号读哪呢? ]::INTI
13-[ 你怎么认识6号的? ]::form 3,KH 室,无端端地就谈起来了。
14-[ 你跟1号的生日差几个月? ]::请参考第11题。
15-[ 你和5号有出去玩过吗? ]:: 去跑步,喝茶,算吗?
16-[ 你喜欢和2号聊天吗? ]::她简直超多料爆啦!人缘好嘛……
17-[ 你喜欢和3号在一起吗? ]::可以啊!朋友嘛……
18-[ 你觉得3号人怎么样? ]::人很好!
19-[ 你觉得5号人怎么样? ]::有义气。超容易原谅我。
20-[ 你爱5号吗? ]::友情爱,朋友爱,友谊万岁!!!
1. 是谁传給你这份问卷的:: 自己太无聊,所以自己copy and paste
2. 你们认识多久呢:: 19年了咯!!!
3. 你觉得他(她)对你來说很重要吗::超啦!没有他,没有我!
4. 你与他(她)的关系是::肉体与精神都结合在一起了
5. 你觉得他(她)的个性如何::哇!超多!写不完嘞,你们自己慢慢挖掘吧!
6. 请问他(她)的兴趣是:: 批评吧?他超爱的!
問 : 當你在更衣室沖水 门忽然被打开了你会
答 :转身,拿毛巾,遮住自己重要部位,出去看谁恶作剧,再干他一顿!!!
問 : 海中忽然大浪來襲后 你发现比基尼小姐上身泳裝被沖掉了你会
答 :看啦!然后,再拿毛巾给她。
問 :去海边玩会使用咩交通工具
答 :坐车去海边玩啦。你有用直升机载我也行!
問 : 你突然发现沒帶泳裝 泳衣你会買吗
答 : 看下是什么款先。低腰紧身三角的,我一定不穿!
問 : 回去时 发现有其他遊客手机沒拿 你会觉得是哪牌子的
答 : 不是nokia, 就是 sony ericsson。
問 : 海边对你來说是
答 :阳光,蓝天,白云,金黄如棉花的沙滩。让我游泳后可以上网,吹风,听海浪声,慢慢地进入梦乡。
問 : 看到镜子 会不由自主的向前吗
答 : 死命照镜啦!(看我profile photo也懂啦!!!)
問 : 经常用洗面乳吗
答 :一天两次
問 : 说到自恋会想到谁
答 : 很多人讲是我,我讲是宏新。
問 : 有人说该減肥了你会
答 : 死命去减咯!!等菜咩?
(1) 请老实的回答每一个问题。
(2) 不行擅自塗改題目。
(3) 写完请点10位小朋友,不可不点。
03.Wai Yee
04.Jason Ng
06.Loo wei
************************************************* *********************
01-[ 4号认识6号吗? ]::不认识
02-[ 6号是男还是女? ]::女的。名花有主了
03-[ 3号的兴趣是? ]::读九把刀的书吧???
04-[ 1号有没有兄弟姐妹? ]::有,不过我不知道他有多少兄弟姐妹?
05-[ 5号姓氏? ]::谢
06-[ 2号人缘好吗? ]::超好咯!!!简直“好很大”!
07-[ 4号有人追吗? ]::不肯定。他那么帅。我想他真的出手的话,她一定是他的。
08-[ 承上2号呢? ]::什么意思是承上2号???
09-[ 6号喜欢的颜色是? ]::是好看的她都喜欢的啦。
10-[ 3号和6号是朋友吗? ]::应该吧?她们都曾经同班嘞。(我也是)
11-[ 1号的生日是? ]::不懂?本人记性不好
12-[ 5号读哪呢? ]::INTI
13-[ 你怎么认识6号的? ]::form 3,KH 室,无端端地就谈起来了。
14-[ 你跟1号的生日差几个月? ]::请参考第11题。
15-[ 你和5号有出去玩过吗? ]:: 去跑步,喝茶,算吗?
16-[ 你喜欢和2号聊天吗? ]::她简直超多料爆啦!人缘好嘛……
17-[ 你喜欢和3号在一起吗? ]::可以啊!朋友嘛……
18-[ 你觉得3号人怎么样? ]::人很好!
19-[ 你觉得5号人怎么样? ]::有义气。超容易原谅我。
20-[ 你爱5号吗? ]::友情爱,朋友爱,友谊万岁!!!
1. 是谁传給你这份问卷的:: 自己太无聊,所以自己copy and paste
2. 你们认识多久呢:: 19年了咯!!!
3. 你觉得他(她)对你來说很重要吗::超啦!没有他,没有我!
4. 你与他(她)的关系是::肉体与精神都结合在一起了
5. 你觉得他(她)的个性如何::哇!超多!写不完嘞,你们自己慢慢挖掘吧!
6. 请问他(她)的兴趣是:: 批评吧?他超爱的!
問 : 當你在更衣室沖水 门忽然被打开了你会
答 :转身,拿毛巾,遮住自己重要部位,出去看谁恶作剧,再干他一顿!!!
問 : 海中忽然大浪來襲后 你发现比基尼小姐上身泳裝被沖掉了你会
答 :看啦!然后,再拿毛巾给她。
問 :去海边玩会使用咩交通工具
答 :坐车去海边玩啦。你有用直升机载我也行!
問 : 你突然发现沒帶泳裝 泳衣你会買吗
答 : 看下是什么款先。低腰紧身三角的,我一定不穿!
問 : 回去时 发现有其他遊客手机沒拿 你会觉得是哪牌子的
答 : 不是nokia, 就是 sony ericsson。
問 : 海边对你來说是
答 :阳光,蓝天,白云,金黄如棉花的沙滩。让我游泳后可以上网,吹风,听海浪声,慢慢地进入梦乡。
問 : 看到镜子 会不由自主的向前吗
答 : 死命照镜啦!(看我profile photo也懂啦!!!)
問 : 经常用洗面乳吗
答 :一天两次
問 : 说到自恋会想到谁
答 : 很多人讲是我,我讲是宏新。
問 : 有人说该減肥了你会
答 : 死命去减咯!!等菜咩?
Friday, December 25, 2009
krystal n shan b'day on 24th dec
actually i almost forget 24 dec is krystal's birthday and suddenly i got her invitation to KFC on 6.30pm. yet, i still don't know the reason she asked me out, i thought it's just a common friends gatehring. if my friends didn't told me, sure i sleeping at home yesterday.
when i arrived KFC about 6.40pm, there was no one there. oh my God, girls....... almost about 7.00pm only they arrived. frankly, i didn't expect to see so many people come. i was quite surprised too. i ordered a garden salad as my dinner and i got another surprises again. i totally don't know what the waiter doing? he sent me 'hot rods' which i didn't order at all. well, i didn't tell him and share the food with "mh not meng hawl". ( its tatse awful, frankly)
then, we started to chit chat. i got some news too.
about 9.45pm i went back home because i didn't bring my house keys. plus, my family sleep very early. i have to go back earlier.
when i arrived KFC about 6.40pm, there was no one there. oh my God, girls....... almost about 7.00pm only they arrived. frankly, i didn't expect to see so many people come. i was quite surprised too. i ordered a garden salad as my dinner and i got another surprises again. i totally don't know what the waiter doing? he sent me 'hot rods' which i didn't order at all. well, i didn't tell him and share the food with "mh not meng hawl". ( its tatse awful, frankly)
then, we started to chit chat. i got some news too.
- meng heng will be the hwa lian computer class teacher
- eric will be hwa lian part time teacher for 22 months
- michelle is very pretty now ( but i miss her old hair style)
- wai yee got her new hair style. nice looks
about 9.45pm i went back home because i didn't bring my house keys. plus, my family sleep very early. i have to go back earlier.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
car accident just happened in front of my house!
as usually, about 12.15pm, i was reading newspaper and my mum enjoying her lunch while my sis was hanging the clothes.
suddenly, i heard a big bang and a sound kind of a big mirror crashed by something. i thought is the washing machine problem. i just wanted to scold my sis what she did to the washing machine, my mum ran out of the house as fast ass lighting. i wonder what happened and i looked outside. a car hit a motorbike just right in front of my house!!! i was damn shocked and freaked out! my sis too. (she is the only witness who watched the accident happened from beginning to the end.)
the motorcyclist (Malay) laid on the floor and the driver (Chinese) was shocked and looked don't know what to do. i quickly took a chair from house to let the motorcyclist rest on it while my mum helping him to get up. luckily, the motorcyclist is all right and just some bruises on his left leg. (he should be thankful that he wore a helmet.)
then, my neighbors came out and tried to help.
my mum just liked a commander. she comforted those teenagers and helping them solved the problems. the motorcyclist lost his parents already, just her younger sister came and be with him. the driver called his elder brother, mother and father, but just brother and mother came.
then, blah blah blah. they went to hospital. those very very '38' people came around. since the accident is just happened in front of my house, we kept the motorcyclist and driver relatives cool and helped them what they need. suddenly, the driver's father showed up. he was over his top. he wanted to burn the car, kill his son and punch his son. he is shouting when he looking for his son. when his elder son told him everything is fine. the father got back to his lorry and went away. his present just like a huge tornado.
and then, the polices came and took photos, did some records.
about 1.30pm all the things were fixed. they left my house and my mum cleaned the scene and i'm writing this blog.
right side in front of my house is a three-way intersection.
the driver (17 years old) just took his license two days and he has no experience before.
the motorcyclist is above 20 years old and has a license long time ago.
follow my sis's description:
the motor was driving with normal speed. the car wanted to drive to the left from the branch road to the main road. obviously, the driver didn't stop and see whether got vehicles driving on the main road and just turned left. the motorcyclist tried to avoid the car hit him but the car didn't break. the motorcyclist flew into the air and crashed the car's wind screen with his head. the motorcyclist rolled and laid in front of my front door. the car and the motorbike also stopped at the front door. you know, inelastic collision.
my friends, remember drive safe!!! please!!!!
suddenly, i heard a big bang and a sound kind of a big mirror crashed by something. i thought is the washing machine problem. i just wanted to scold my sis what she did to the washing machine, my mum ran out of the house as fast ass lighting. i wonder what happened and i looked outside. a car hit a motorbike just right in front of my house!!! i was damn shocked and freaked out! my sis too. (she is the only witness who watched the accident happened from beginning to the end.)
the motorcyclist (Malay) laid on the floor and the driver (Chinese) was shocked and looked don't know what to do. i quickly took a chair from house to let the motorcyclist rest on it while my mum helping him to get up. luckily, the motorcyclist is all right and just some bruises on his left leg. (he should be thankful that he wore a helmet.)
then, my neighbors came out and tried to help.
my mum just liked a commander. she comforted those teenagers and helping them solved the problems. the motorcyclist lost his parents already, just her younger sister came and be with him. the driver called his elder brother, mother and father, but just brother and mother came.
then, blah blah blah. they went to hospital. those very very '38' people came around. since the accident is just happened in front of my house, we kept the motorcyclist and driver relatives cool and helped them what they need. suddenly, the driver's father showed up. he was over his top. he wanted to burn the car, kill his son and punch his son. he is shouting when he looking for his son. when his elder son told him everything is fine. the father got back to his lorry and went away. his present just like a huge tornado.
and then, the polices came and took photos, did some records.
about 1.30pm all the things were fixed. they left my house and my mum cleaned the scene and i'm writing this blog.
right side in front of my house is a three-way intersection.
the driver (17 years old) just took his license two days and he has no experience before.
the motorcyclist is above 20 years old and has a license long time ago.
follow my sis's description:
the motor was driving with normal speed. the car wanted to drive to the left from the branch road to the main road. obviously, the driver didn't stop and see whether got vehicles driving on the main road and just turned left. the motorcyclist tried to avoid the car hit him but the car didn't break. the motorcyclist flew into the air and crashed the car's wind screen with his head. the motorcyclist rolled and laid in front of my front door. the car and the motorbike also stopped at the front door. you know, inelastic collision.
my friends, remember drive safe!!! please!!!!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
boring at home
yes, after the long long post of thee go-in interview at genting and i have nothing to do. many friends already started their jobs. my job only will start on next month 13. it's means i still have 3 weeks time. what i should i do in these three weeks? i have nothing to do, no plan at all.
i planned go to KL to buy books but no money.
i planned go to midvalley to meet NS friends but they having their study.
i planned to do my STPM revision before i go back to study but no mood.
so? i decided to complete everything i want to do while waiting 13 jan arrived.
i planned go to KL to buy books but no money.
i planned go to midvalley to meet NS friends but they having their study.
i planned to do my STPM revision before i go back to study but no mood.
so? i decided to complete everything i want to do while waiting 13 jan arrived.
- go Maybank make an atm card.
- go CIMB to do PTPTN
- go to buy my daily needs might use up there
- choose a pair of nice black leather shoes which can increase my height around 3 inches
- wash my father's car and my car
- clean my house for Chinese New Year
- spend every minutes with my family
- bring lucky to 'gai gai' twice a day
- call my old classmates and friends come out for gathering
- go "wai xie gai" for a walk since i have about 2 months didn't go there
- go tasik chatin jogging
- last but not least, pack my things and drive to genting.
Monday, December 14, 2009
go-in interview (more details version)
since my friends want to know more about my journey and now i'm very free, then i decided to write the second part of my very first interview experience.
woke up at 0400 really tiring because i went to gathering with Lily, karhung, loowei and boon keong till 0000. i just slept 4 hours and had to get out from my bed to prepare everything might use when the interview. i also missed my breakfast because wai yee'mum came to fetch me to bus station, i no time to enjoy my breakfast.
while waiting for the bus at bus station, got an Indian came and asked me where we want to go because he can fetch us to our destination. i quickly rejected him. then wai yee' mum came down from her car and waited the bus with us. she is so worry about us. thank you, aunty.
when we arrieved Bentong, there already many people waiting for the bus. they are very rude including girls. sometime i think do they have parents and teachers to teach them how to be a useful human??? the bus to genting also very crowded. we force to sit on the tyre. when going up the genting, i let my place to Juan and i stood because both of them were so unwell.
finally, we reached Genting. we cheated by Juan's sister. she told us the interview venue located at Theme Park Hotel. But there nothing there. then, i went to asked the receptionist only i know Genting changed the place to Resort Hotel. what the heck. quickly, we rushed to there. wai yee walked quite slow because of her car sick.
the interview also started late. thanks God for being so caring for us. He knows we late already and He waits for use. He let us time to rest and used the washroom. Thank you very much!!! i saw the Bentong people at there waiting too. then, i was quite confuse. they people already dyed their hair, very la-la outfit and not serious.
when the door opened, people rushed in there liked hungry ghosts which have a thousand years didn't take food. then, the funniest thing happened on me. who want to know can go to refer my previous post.
when was my turn, i was quite nervous. i tried my best to calm down myself. i know when the nerve caught me, my mind sure blank. the person who interview me started to ask me family bakcground. he also quite satisfied with my PMR, SPM and MUET results. then, he started to ask me some math questions. at first, i can answered the questions fast and correct but as the time passing and i getting nervous. suddenly i forgot my 7 multiplication mnemonics. i quickly told him that it was my first time interview. then he laughed and calmed me down. he called me buddy to make me more relax. AND I COMPLETED MY TASK!!! THEY HIRE ME!!!!!
later, he told me about the trainning and gave a form me to fill up personal information. after i gave back the form to him, he said : "see you, buddy." i was so surprised and stupefied for a moment and replied him : "see you"
when i came out the room and told Juan and wai yee that i success, they suddenly worried about themselves. then, i tried to comfort them. it was lunch time and they wanted to eat Mc. so, i went to buy for them for free because i didn't belanja them eat before. it also can consider a celebration for my very first job.
we also met a new friend. he is quite handsome and mature. after i introduced myself and asked him is it he waiting for SPM result, only we know that we are so old.... sighed
finally wai yee and juan also get hired. God, again You showed Your kindness and power again. three of us finally get the job. Yeah!!!!

woke up at 0400 really tiring because i went to gathering with Lily, karhung, loowei and boon keong till 0000. i just slept 4 hours and had to get out from my bed to prepare everything might use when the interview. i also missed my breakfast because wai yee'mum came to fetch me to bus station, i no time to enjoy my breakfast.
while waiting for the bus at bus station, got an Indian came and asked me where we want to go because he can fetch us to our destination. i quickly rejected him. then wai yee' mum came down from her car and waited the bus with us. she is so worry about us. thank you, aunty.
when we arrieved Bentong, there already many people waiting for the bus. they are very rude including girls. sometime i think do they have parents and teachers to teach them how to be a useful human??? the bus to genting also very crowded. we force to sit on the tyre. when going up the genting, i let my place to Juan and i stood because both of them were so unwell.
finally, we reached Genting. we cheated by Juan's sister. she told us the interview venue located at Theme Park Hotel. But there nothing there. then, i went to asked the receptionist only i know Genting changed the place to Resort Hotel. what the heck. quickly, we rushed to there. wai yee walked quite slow because of her car sick.
the interview also started late. thanks God for being so caring for us. He knows we late already and He waits for use. He let us time to rest and used the washroom. Thank you very much!!! i saw the Bentong people at there waiting too. then, i was quite confuse. they people already dyed their hair, very la-la outfit and not serious.
when the door opened, people rushed in there liked hungry ghosts which have a thousand years didn't take food. then, the funniest thing happened on me. who want to know can go to refer my previous post.
when was my turn, i was quite nervous. i tried my best to calm down myself. i know when the nerve caught me, my mind sure blank. the person who interview me started to ask me family bakcground. he also quite satisfied with my PMR, SPM and MUET results. then, he started to ask me some math questions. at first, i can answered the questions fast and correct but as the time passing and i getting nervous. suddenly i forgot my 7 multiplication mnemonics. i quickly told him that it was my first time interview. then he laughed and calmed me down. he called me buddy to make me more relax. AND I COMPLETED MY TASK!!! THEY HIRE ME!!!!!
later, he told me about the trainning and gave a form me to fill up personal information. after i gave back the form to him, he said : "see you, buddy." i was so surprised and stupefied for a moment and replied him : "see you"
when i came out the room and told Juan and wai yee that i success, they suddenly worried about themselves. then, i tried to comfort them. it was lunch time and they wanted to eat Mc. so, i went to buy for them for free because i didn't belanja them eat before. it also can consider a celebration for my very first job.
we also met a new friend. he is quite handsome and mature. after i introduced myself and asked him is it he waiting for SPM result, only we know that we are so old.... sighed
finally wai yee and juan also get hired. God, again You showed Your kindness and power again. three of us finally get the job. Yeah!!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009
Bye Bye STPM + Go in interview at genting
Finally, STPM is over. i'm free, free from anything. now, my life has to start a new page. i'll miss those time in form six, no doubt. after STPM, i should be very happy but i dunno, i like loss something in my life. sigh.
after the STPM, many aunties come and ask me or my mum how was my STPM? got confidence score flying clour result or not. i always give them the answer i dunno. my mother also trust in me. she believes i done my best. i told my family please don't ask me anything related with STPM, i don't want to made any conclusion earlier.
oh my God, yesterday really a tiring day. i went to genting and look for the job with Juan and Wai Yee. luckily got them accompany me, if not, it's sure a damn boring journey.
woke up early in the moring 4am and i just slept 4 hours because i was yam cha with friend till 12am. i forced myself get out from my bed and prepared to genting. wai yee's mum fetched us to bus station. i write the the bus time table, if anyone want to go genting
0600 bentong bus arrive
0730 arrive bentong
0740 genting bus arrive
0800 genting bus start go to genting
0930 arrive genting
when interview, it happened a very funny things on me.
i don't know where to take the form and i asked a H.R worker and he told me just in front the vacancy . then, i wanted to go there but before this i have to pass through the crowd. i kept saying 'excuse me' to ask them let me a go to the other side of the crowd. suddenly, i saw the the form is just right beside me, i quickly went there and took my form. the people behind me were very unhappy. sorry, i really don't know you all are lining (i think you all liked rebut more then line up) without a minute, i got the form but wai yee and juan were not so lucky. when was their turn, someone came asked them Q up properly. then, they got their form very late
the interview was quite easy la... N I GOT THE JOB HAHAHAHAHA
after the STPM, many aunties come and ask me or my mum how was my STPM? got confidence score flying clour result or not. i always give them the answer i dunno. my mother also trust in me. she believes i done my best. i told my family please don't ask me anything related with STPM, i don't want to made any conclusion earlier.
oh my God, yesterday really a tiring day. i went to genting and look for the job with Juan and Wai Yee. luckily got them accompany me, if not, it's sure a damn boring journey.
woke up early in the moring 4am and i just slept 4 hours because i was yam cha with friend till 12am. i forced myself get out from my bed and prepared to genting. wai yee's mum fetched us to bus station. i write the the bus time table, if anyone want to go genting
0600 bentong bus arrive
0730 arrive bentong
0740 genting bus arrive
0800 genting bus start go to genting
0930 arrive genting
when interview, it happened a very funny things on me.
i don't know where to take the form and i asked a H.R worker and he told me just in front the vacancy . then, i wanted to go there but before this i have to pass through the crowd. i kept saying 'excuse me' to ask them let me a go to the other side of the crowd. suddenly, i saw the the form is just right beside me, i quickly went there and took my form. the people behind me were very unhappy. sorry, i really don't know you all are lining (i think you all liked rebut more then line up) without a minute, i got the form but wai yee and juan were not so lucky. when was their turn, someone came asked them Q up properly. then, they got their form very late
the interview was quite easy la... N I GOT THE JOB HAHAHAHAHA
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Phy paper 2 and Math T2 bye bye
ya... is time to say bye bye to them, especially mathematics. now, just left phy, pengajian am and chemistry, three of the papers are paper 1. so, now can relax a bit. tomorrow i have to continue my war. ffight for the best, right?
talk about my physics first. only one word can describe it, tough! phew, i also don't how i been through 2.3o hours sitting on the chairr and try to answer every questions. finally, i didn't answer a 5 marks question. i drew a wrong graph which i should know how to draw. most of the time, i just answered what i know. i don't know wheather it is correct or not? my physics sure dead already.
next is my mathematics T2. i had studied 'vector' about 5 hours. i kept pratice and tried to understand, but it's failed. 3 hours paper, my brain totally blank. i cannot solve a 5 marks distibution question and a 10 marks probabilty question. math T2, rest in peace....
talk about my physics first. only one word can describe it, tough! phew, i also don't how i been through 2.3o hours sitting on the chairr and try to answer every questions. finally, i didn't answer a 5 marks question. i drew a wrong graph which i should know how to draw. most of the time, i just answered what i know. i don't know wheather it is correct or not? my physics sure dead already.
next is my mathematics T2. i had studied 'vector' about 5 hours. i kept pratice and tried to understand, but it's failed. 3 hours paper, my brain totally blank. i cannot solve a 5 marks distibution question and a 10 marks probabilty question. math T2, rest in peace....
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